Sodium bisulphate
Pool Acid
Pool Acid Redefined – Sodium Bisulphate, the Key to Immaculate Swimming Experiences
CAS Number : 7681-38-1
Chemical Formula : NaHSO4
Packing : 25 kgs BAG
Sodium bisulphate
In addition to effectively balancing the pH levels of your pool water, muriatic acid offers a multitude of benefits. Its powerful properties make it capable of eliminating mold, eradicating rust stains, removing stubborn calcium deposits, and ensuring the cleanliness of your pool surfaces.
For optimal maintenance, we highly recommend adding a small amount of acid on a weekly basis. This regular and incremental approach not only promotes healthier water conditions but also helps you save money in the long run. Unlike larger doses applied over extended periods, which can deplete a significant portion of your pool’s “Total alkalinity,” consistent small additions yield better results and preserve water quality.
Application: Sodium bisulfate is used in metal finishing, cleaning products,[ It is highly toxic to at least some echinoderms, but fairly harmless to most other life forms also used in controlling outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish.
Dry acid is a white crystallized granular substance used to lower swimming pool water pH.
How to use Dry Acid in Pools & Spas
Achieving optimal pH and maintaining total alkalinity (TA) in swimming pools and spas is made easy with the use of Dry Acid. This safer and more convenient alternative to hydrochloric acid (muriatic) offers effective pH reduction and TA control. Dry Acid is not only easier to store but also requires careful handling for best results. To ensure the ideal pool water conditions, aim for a pH range of 7.0-7.6 and maintain total alkalinity between 80 and 120ppm.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on using Dry Acid effectively:
Begin by pre-dissolving the Dry Acid. Add the appropriate amount of Dry Acid into a large plastic bucket filled with water. Thoroughly mix the solution before proceeding.
Pour the dissolved acid solution into the deep end of the pool, away from the skimmer and fixtures. It’s crucial to add the acid while the pump is running for proper dispersion.
Allow the water to circulate for approximately 4 hours, then retest the pH levels. If necessary, add more Dry Acid to achieve the desired pH balance.
Helpful Tips:
- To avoid overcorrection, do not exceed 150g of Dry Acid per 10,000 liters of pool water in a single application.
- Limit the application of Dry Acid to a maximum of three times per day.
- Remember to always test the Total Alkalinity before adjusting the pH levels.
- Dry Acid can also be used in spas or hot tubs, providing similar benefits for water maintenance.
Property | Specification | Unit |
Assay | 99.5 min | % w/w |
Clarity of 10% soln | Clear | |
Insoluble % | 0.05 max | w/w |
Iron (as Fe) | 10 max | Ppm |
Heavy Metals | 10 max | Ppm |
pH of 5% solution | 4.0 – 4.8 |